Sunday, August 26, 2012

Federal Scholarships and Grants to Aid Fathers in Further Education

Fathers are not being overlooked any more when it comes to education grants. Many times in the past they have been, but that has changed with the new stimulus package from the Federal Government. Scholarships for dads are now being publicized in hopes that more fathers will take the opportunity to go back to school. These grants will cover up to 18 semesters, therefore possibly covering even more than one degree or program. This must tell you something. Obama really wants these dads to be educated.
The government is offering more support than ever through these grants. The amount per semester has been raised from $4050 to $5100, to a total of up to $10,000 a year. This amount will be raised again in the upcoming year. You will also be able to apply for a $4000 tax exemption. This is exciting news for those who have wanted so badly to go back to school.
You might be wondering how to get the application process started. It's as easy as going to the FAFSA website to get the application form, and giving it to the school along with the enrollment papers, and that is it.
Why does the government care so much? Well, included in the stimulus package, there is the plan to create three million jobs in the next two years. They are going to need educated people to fill these jobs for their plan to work. Not only this but the more individuals with higher educations and better jobs, generally means a better economy. That is something that we all need right now.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Times Have Never Been Better For Moms to Enroll in Higher Education

For the past several weeks, the news has been quietly reporting that perhaps the job market, though still dismal, may just be showing signs of improvement. Much of the stimulus money is still to be released into the economy, much of it coming next year.
While you may not find a great job this month or next, a year from now things should look much better. Right now is the time to get ready for the turnaround ahead.
The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities seems to agree. A spokesman from that organization recently commented on the stimulus money available for those seeking education saying, "Together these proposals mean that low-income students or families on the brink of stopping or dropping out of their higher education plans can stay in, and that unemployed workers can choose retraining for a new job."
Historically, people have used downtimes in the economy to seek more education, seeing that as a better payoff in the long run than settling for a low-paying job at the time. Now you can take advantage of financial aid that allows you to do the same thing! But you have to take action and you must be prepared to do some work to get ready. There are lots of programs and people to help, but ultimately it's up to you to start the process.
Where to begin? Identify an area of interest, preferably one with strong potential such as health, energy, and infrastructure. Identify a school, either local or online. Next, contact by phone or website that particular school. Many offer online help and links for completing all the forms such as financial aid applications and enrollment forms. There you will find information about very important deadlines you must meet and help links for writing your essay.
When you combine the increased Pell Grant amounts, the increased tax credit amounts with state initiatives, you can begin to see that your education might cost little more than your time and hard work. If you are currently out of work and receiving unemployment compensation, check with your state. Some will allow you to continue receiving your payment if you are in school.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Obama Wants All Women to Finish Their Education

Have you ever wanted to go back to college and get a degree? Do you want to advance your employment or your education? If worrying about money is holding you back there is good news for you. The Obama administration is providing stay-at-home moms, single moms, and women with the possibility to return to school and get their degrees by offering $10,000 scholarships.
During this recession having a college degree will improve your chances of getting a job and will give you greater security. Even if you just want a better education you will be able to accomplish this without having to look for a job afterwards. There is no need for you to continue worrying yourself about your bills, when with a better education you can become financially secure.
The Obama administration is giving women free $10,000 scholarships that you can use to return to school, and even to do your degree on-line.
How do you qualify for this?
The only qualifications you need to meet are simple. You need to be a citizen of United States and be at least 18 years old. This is free and you do not have to worry about having to paying it back. If you want to help yourself and your household, getting a college degree by means of scholarships is a excellent means to start giving your children the best.
There are only so many scholarships available though and once they are gone there will not be any more. You only have to submit an application for the scholarship and you will be on your way to a better life.