Sunday, November 4, 2012

Private Foundations For Women Offer Educational Financial Aid

Having to take care of the children on her own is the biggest challenge a single mother could ever face. Raising them up would mean she has to work full time to earn money and provide at least the essential and basic needs of her children. This can be tougher, especially if they would want to go back to school to improve their careers and find a more rewarding job. All of these are for a mother's wish to give her children a brighter future.
Aside from the Federal grants and loans given by the government to help out single mothers, there are also private groups and foundations that offer scholarship programs. Below are some of the well-established scholarship programs for moms:
Accounting Scholarships for Women in Transition
This scholarship program is offered to women who are the only source of support for their families. This scholarship offers up to $16,000 over 4 years to those who are taking up accounting degree.
American Association of University Women Career Development Grants
For those mothers who would like to advance their careers and pursue master's degree, second bachelor's degree or would like to undergo specialized training can apply to this scholarship program. It offers $2,000 to up to $12,000 worth of scholarship grants.
Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP)
WISP offers educational aid for formerly battered women to provide them a suitable job to support themselves and their kids. To be an eligible candidate in this program, one should be enrolled in an accredited program of community schools, colleges or universities.
Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO)
This organization offers several scholarship programs for mothers. One of which is the Program for Continuing Education, who offers up to $2,000 scholarship grants. STAR Scholarship Pilot Programs, on the other hand, can give up to $2,500 for high school seniors who wanted to pursue post secondary education. Foreigner students who are pursuing graduate studies in US and Canada are also eligible for scholarship programs and can be awarded up to $10,000 through International Peach Scholarship.
These are a number of scholarships for mother program offered by other organizations. You can find more online as well as on news papers and periodicals. Though not all are lucky enough to get in a scholarship, never stop until you find one. Keeping the scholarship for single moms may be tiring but is always worth the effort.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Ugly Side of Today's Education

Today as I was reading about all of the things going on in education...I came upon a very interesting title which caught my eye. Once I give you the title you will understand why it got my attention so quickly!
I actually debated writing on this book and author as no doubt this will help spark his sales however, he does make a good point about what is happening in our schools today. This is about the growing problem of corruption and racism in our inner city schools.
A rabbi has written a book about how our education is declining and we need to do something to save our nation's youth that is, if we really care about them. They are a group in California who are looking for people who are ready for LESS hope and change and more who are ready to keep our faith and survive with our values intact.
Teachers nowadays are loathe to reinforce values that have etched their way into American culture by our founding fathers, nor are they willing to risk revealing the consequences of those values that will guarantee our freedom in tomorrow's war of ideas and assaults upon our country.
We are losing our teachers and in fact, statistics say that the average life of a teacher is seven years. When you talk to these teacher drop-outs, it's not the money (what money?) that bothers them; it's the total lack of administrative support, parental backing, community indifference, and lack of validation toward their professionalism that drives them away.
So, are you still asking yourself what is this title that got my attention...well it is sure to catch yours as well......."Kill the Teacher". Of course I am not sure if readily agree with the title of this book but this is a real meeting about to take place in California on the 21st of January and they are looking to break the silence, adopt a radical, non-union stance in order to save our youth.
If you are in the Los Angeles area, they are challenging all teachers to come out and be at this meeting! They are promising a no-nonsense program in a one-of-a-kind seminar...while one may not agree with the seminar; I have to ask myself how many more teachers out there have gone through this very same thing and have a similar story.
The shocking news? This one is backed not only by the Rabbi who wrote the book and has done the study but he has gained the support of Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and the Californian Republic Assembly.
If you do go to this one, please write me and let me know what you think, I would love to know and even if you don't go. I would like to hear your story...are you the victim of "Kill the Teacher"?
Wynelle is a motivational speaker, mentor, trainer & empowerer of youth leadership helping them discover their purpose in life and for over 35 years has been a missionary to youth in Latin America & the Caribbean. She has appeared on networks of television shows including TBN and Enlace (Spanish Christian TV). She received an award for the "Most Outstanding Woman of the Year" in 1988 for her ministry to youth.
Wynelle has worked in inner city schools in some parts of the USA and in Latin America and has been in education for over 30 years. She continues to work in education as an assesor and in the training of teachers in classroom management.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Media Doesn't Get Paid Well to Provide Good News

The media doesn't get paid well to provide good news. They get paid to get people to watch and more people seem to be interested in the bad news. They watch the programs that keep telling you how bad things are getting and how bad they're going to get. They talk about Depression, Recession, Job losses and Foreclosures. I suggest you stay away from the news for awhile and realize you have the talent and the tools around you to experience peace, joy and security. Take the time to tap into it. Get rid of the  negativity. Set it aside and be on your way to a whole new life. You deserve success--- and all of the things that go with it that include security, peace, joy and fulfillment.
You can decide today to experience a new way of thinking. Get control and start living a life of prosperity! Learn how to start an Internet business. If you have a job, keep it while you're learning. If you lost your job, learn how to have your own Internet business, while looking for another job, but don't spend your free hours watching programs that only talk about how the economy is getting worse. With an Internet business you can reach thousands or millions of people interested in what you have to offer them.
No need to worry about the economic situation, because it won't give you a solution and it could destroy your health. If you lost your job or you worry that maybe you will loose it soon, then it's time to think about starting an Internet business now. It's a wonderful opportunity for you to start your own business and you can get started right away earning commissions by promoting other peoples products. These are called affiliate programs. They do all the work for you, so you don't need to worry about invoices, payments or shipping.
While you are earning money from these programs you can start thinking about some product you would enjoy selling on your website to increase your income, because it's so nice to work at home and you can schedule the hours and time of day you want to do your work, but you must work to succeed. Invest in knowledge and education and don't listen to negative people who will probably tell you that you are wasting your time. Believe in yourself. Find out how to be prosperous on the Internet. Start learning today. Don't live with fear and anxiety.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Death Panels, Obama's Healthcare Reform Plan and CBS News Sixty Minutes

An obscure provision in the House of Representatives Healthcare Reform Plan provoked strong opposition and highlighted our collective discomfort in talking about end of life care, death and money. This new provision simply allows for providers to be paid when they speak with patients regarding their medical wishes at end of life. This strong outcry which spoke of "death panels" suggests that it possibly touched an even deeper unexpressed fear. The fear that we will be abandoned at the time of our life where we are at our most vulnerable. It may be uncomfortable to talk about dying and money but we should at least ask ourselves the question, "Are we getting the best care for the money that we are spending on our loved ones at the end of life?" The answer is sometimes "No." When elderly patients die in inappropriate settings, it is often very expensive and their comfort needs may or may not be well attended to. As seen on the CBS show 60 minutes this week, there is also a very high cost associated with care that may be viewed as futile.
The greatest fear is that with this healthcare plan, we will lose the ability to choose our medical treatments and healthcare will be rationed. These fears seem so out of touch with what is witnessed daily by nurses in the acute care setting. The reality is that many patients continue to receive inappropriate and expensive treatments. Treatments that cause distress and provide little benefit. That many treatments are chosen without evaluating the evidenced based information on their benefits or burdens. In all these conversations, no one seems to ponder the following questions: What do dying patients want? What does the research tell us about how are we doing in caring for patients at end of life? What is the view of the care of the dying from the bedside in a hospital?
What do patients who are approaching the end of life want? Dying patients participated in a research study printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2000. These patients identified six components of a good death. #1 was to make them comfortable by controlling pain and shortness of breath. #2 was to allow them to participate in decision making. The patients wanted to be informed when their condition was changing so that they could make their own decisions. #3 was that they wanted to know what to expect during the course of their illness and they wanted to plan for events like their funeral. #4 was that they wanted to resolve conflicts and to spend time with family saying "goodbye." #5 was that they wanted to continue to share their time and knowledge and to be of use to others. A central theme voiced loud and clear by the dying patients was their desire for ongoing communication, awareness of the severity of their illness in addition to being able to voice treatment preferences. Many patients choose inappropriate treatments because they cannot comprehend the severity of their illness and the futility of continuing to be treated. Some patients are told, but cannot hear. Others are told but the words that are used may be open to interpretation. How can we get better at telling the truth to help them to make good decisions, without taking away all hope?
What does the research tell us about how are we doing in caring for patients at end of life? A pivotal study called the SUPPORT study in 1995, worked with dying patients and their families using a specially trained nurse in hospitals to elicit the patient's end of life preferences and hopefully to improve care. The study demonstrated that there were substantial short comings in the care that people were receiving at end of life and that even with focused communication, advocacy and specialized education it made little difference. This study also reported that patients who were dying had moderate to severe pain and do not resuscitate orders were written only two days before death. More recent studies estimate that forty percent of patients at end of life who were admitted to the hospital were inappropriate, resulting in increased health care costs, and increased illness and increased mortality of frail elderly patients. In other studies, authors have observed the tendency towards increased aggressive interventions in some hospitals and even in different parts of the country. The general observation is that if you go to the hospital for treatment at end of life, you will be offered most available treatments.
What is the view of the care of the dying from the bed side? Intensive care nurses readily share their stories of failed efforts at advocacy. The stories often start with a seriously ill elderly patient who is brought to the hospital by their family. The family does not realize that dying has begun and there is no plan in place for the elderly patient to receive care. Complicating the situation, medical personnel speak a language that is foreign to most lay people. In intensive care for example, the patient may be seen by multiple specialists, with each one working hard to improve the patient's condition. Each patient often has a pulmonary specialist, cardiac specialist and renal specialist.
Each specialist reports to the patient's decision maker on their specialty area's progress, making it difficult for the decision maker to get enough big picture information to determine if meaningful recovery is still possible. All medical providers use different words to communicate the seriousness of illness. I remember telling the son of an elderly patient that I thought his father would likely die within a few days. The patient's healthcare provider told the son that his father was "seriously ill". The son presumed that "seriously ill "meant recovery was still possible, he approved insertion of a feeding tube and his father died within 48 hours.
Oftentimes treatment options are presented but the available research on those treatment options is not known and therefore not presented. For example, since 1995, there have been multiple research studies that have questioned the benefit of tube feeding for end stage patients with dementia. Despite this information, 1/3 of patients with dementia are tube fed. The National Alzheimer's Association discourages tube feeding and encourages hand feeding. In fact, some data suggested that tube feeding may actually make patients die sooner and create new illnesses and decrease the patient's overall quality of life. Sometimes the provider offers to do what the family wants, even though there is little benefit for the patient. I once witnessed a provider who said to a family, "tube feeding is not recommended but I can put one in if you want." This family accepted feeding tube insertion because they felt that the provider personally endorsed insertion of a tube. Nurses at the bedside witness these conversations with families on a daily basis and for them it creates ethical distress. It is often the caring acute care nurse who quietly pulls the family aside and says "have you thought about hospice care."
Making medical decisions in a crisis in an acute care setting is not the best way for end of life patients. It is far better to identify patients who may die soon and provide care for them at home thereby avoiding placing fragile elders in acute care. Somehow, the "red flags" that indicate decline are missed by providers and family. These indicators of decline are simpler that you think. Weight loss and functional decline are the primary indicators. Even subtle increases in the patient's need for assistance with care needs can indicate decline. Evidence of poor immune function with increasing infections in bladder and lung are strong indicators of decline. Increasing symptoms such as pain and dyspnea are also strong indicators.
The solution to improved end of life care is education. The Healthcare Reform Plan promotes education for all providers working in areas where end of life care is provided. With this education, providers in nursing homes and hospitals will be able to accurately communicate benefits and burdens of treatments. End stage patients will be able to choose to remain in their nursing facilities and avoid unnecessary hospital stays when hospitalization is expected to worsen decline and increase distress. We desperately need the education that will be provided by the Healthcare Reform Plan. Informed consumers will receive better end of life care, palliative care and hospice care resulting in more comfortable deaths and more satisfied care givers.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This is the Opportunity to Get Your Education Started

Aside from the great depression, this might be the only other time that the US economy has gotten so bad. But why are there still some people who seem not to be affected by this?
It has long been revealed that if you have an education, you will be able to get a good job. Employers are truly looking for a candidate who has had an education when he is choosing from the applications. It does not necessarily follow that the person is more smart. But if he has invested his time into finishing school and earning a degree, then they are highly preferred.
But this is not fair, no one must be neglected or judged for not being able to finish school. There may be several reasons why single mothers are unable to do it. They may have been faced with the problem of time commitment when they got children.
To be honest, it is nearly impossible to go back to school to get a degree while you have kids. There really is just not enough time. While hiring a babysitter is an option available, not many people can afford the fees that they charge.
However, there is good news waiting the single moms. Because the US Government has finally noticed the struggle of single mothers, they have developed a fund so that it can help in paying for their decision to go back to school.
Here are the key points about scholarships for moms.
#1. This is a grant and does not have to be repaid.
#2. There is more than one type of grant. This is why you need to find a grant that matches up with your own financial situation.
#3. Beware of companies that redirect you to a loan application. It is easy to misread what you are filling in and many people do it.
#4. There are grants that cover every group and financial situation and you can find out more at "".
If you have wanted to go back to school then all you need to do is apply. If you have an education, you will clearly be ahead of the others who don't.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

If You Are a Mother it is Your Time to Get an Education For Free

Are you a single mother, stay at home mom, or any other type of mother that wants to get an education? Do you wonder how you will be able to pay for your degree and you want to know the best possible options for you? There are many ways to get money for your education, but you need to start with the Obama scholarship fund because it is specifically set up for mothers. Here is what you need to know.
First, when it comes to getting money for college your main options are loans, grants, scholarships, work study programs, and your own pockets. Some of this money has to be paid back, but if you get scholarships and grants, then it is free money for you to use towards your education. This is your time because there is more money available for mothers than ever before and it will not always be there.
Second, the Obama scholarship fund is set up specifically to help mothers go to school during these tough economical times so that when the economy begins to turn around you will be prepared to get a great job in a field you actually enjoy. This is good news for you and you can study whatever you would like. You can advance in your own field and get out of that rut you are in without spending a fortune on an education because of the Obama scholarship fund.
Last, where will you be in 5 years if you do not get your degree now? You will be working at the same poverty type job that barely allows you any money left after your bills and you spend a little to make yourself feel better. This means that you will never retire and you will be waiting for something lucky to happen as your children get older and you need more money to pay for things they need and want.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Get a Government Grant to Pay For Your Education

So many single moms think that they are stuck in low-paying, dead-end jobs. The idea of going back to school is usually out of the question due to lack of finances. Getting a higher education used to be just a dream for many single moms. You can now do this with financial aid for single mothers
With the assistance of government scholarship programs you can get a free grant. Colleges are facing the same money crunch as everyone else in these tough economic times and that is definitely good news for you. Colleges are eager to accept students.
Now, any mom who desires to go back to school and get a degree will have the opportunity to do so. It is not too late to make your dreams come true and live up to your true potential.
These scholarships offer up to $10,000 a year to go towards tuition and books, more than enough to get an excellent education.
Without a college education it's almost impossible to find a good paying job. Stop living paycheck to paycheck and start living the life you always dreamed of. If going back to school has been a goal you have not yet achieved, now is the perfect time for you.
If you want to get a scholarship first of all apply or find the information you need through the "FAFSA" website then apply for a grant.
You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home to go to college. There are many online college courses to choose from. This is great for working moms who don't want to spend any extra time away from their children.
Do some research online to find the best college and scholarship that suits your needs. The time you invest will pay off very handsomely in the future. With this financial aid for single mothers through government scholarships and grants you can get the education you always wanted.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Federal Scholarships and Grants to Aid Fathers in Further Education

Fathers are not being overlooked any more when it comes to education grants. Many times in the past they have been, but that has changed with the new stimulus package from the Federal Government. Scholarships for dads are now being publicized in hopes that more fathers will take the opportunity to go back to school. These grants will cover up to 18 semesters, therefore possibly covering even more than one degree or program. This must tell you something. Obama really wants these dads to be educated.
The government is offering more support than ever through these grants. The amount per semester has been raised from $4050 to $5100, to a total of up to $10,000 a year. This amount will be raised again in the upcoming year. You will also be able to apply for a $4000 tax exemption. This is exciting news for those who have wanted so badly to go back to school.
You might be wondering how to get the application process started. It's as easy as going to the FAFSA website to get the application form, and giving it to the school along with the enrollment papers, and that is it.
Why does the government care so much? Well, included in the stimulus package, there is the plan to create three million jobs in the next two years. They are going to need educated people to fill these jobs for their plan to work. Not only this but the more individuals with higher educations and better jobs, generally means a better economy. That is something that we all need right now.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Times Have Never Been Better For Moms to Enroll in Higher Education

For the past several weeks, the news has been quietly reporting that perhaps the job market, though still dismal, may just be showing signs of improvement. Much of the stimulus money is still to be released into the economy, much of it coming next year.
While you may not find a great job this month or next, a year from now things should look much better. Right now is the time to get ready for the turnaround ahead.
The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities seems to agree. A spokesman from that organization recently commented on the stimulus money available for those seeking education saying, "Together these proposals mean that low-income students or families on the brink of stopping or dropping out of their higher education plans can stay in, and that unemployed workers can choose retraining for a new job."
Historically, people have used downtimes in the economy to seek more education, seeing that as a better payoff in the long run than settling for a low-paying job at the time. Now you can take advantage of financial aid that allows you to do the same thing! But you have to take action and you must be prepared to do some work to get ready. There are lots of programs and people to help, but ultimately it's up to you to start the process.
Where to begin? Identify an area of interest, preferably one with strong potential such as health, energy, and infrastructure. Identify a school, either local or online. Next, contact by phone or website that particular school. Many offer online help and links for completing all the forms such as financial aid applications and enrollment forms. There you will find information about very important deadlines you must meet and help links for writing your essay.
When you combine the increased Pell Grant amounts, the increased tax credit amounts with state initiatives, you can begin to see that your education might cost little more than your time and hard work. If you are currently out of work and receiving unemployment compensation, check with your state. Some will allow you to continue receiving your payment if you are in school.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Obama Wants All Women to Finish Their Education

Have you ever wanted to go back to college and get a degree? Do you want to advance your employment or your education? If worrying about money is holding you back there is good news for you. The Obama administration is providing stay-at-home moms, single moms, and women with the possibility to return to school and get their degrees by offering $10,000 scholarships.
During this recession having a college degree will improve your chances of getting a job and will give you greater security. Even if you just want a better education you will be able to accomplish this without having to look for a job afterwards. There is no need for you to continue worrying yourself about your bills, when with a better education you can become financially secure.
The Obama administration is giving women free $10,000 scholarships that you can use to return to school, and even to do your degree on-line.
How do you qualify for this?
The only qualifications you need to meet are simple. You need to be a citizen of United States and be at least 18 years old. This is free and you do not have to worry about having to paying it back. If you want to help yourself and your household, getting a college degree by means of scholarships is a excellent means to start giving your children the best.
There are only so many scholarships available though and once they are gone there will not be any more. You only have to submit an application for the scholarship and you will be on your way to a better life.